Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Find and Analyze the Deals Next Monday in Nashua!

For those of you who missed Nick’s seminar on Dec 1st at BAREIA...

Don’t you worry!

He’ll be doing a recap at the Real Estate Investors of Nashua Group.

Just what will you learn?
  • 3 ways to find motivated sellers
  • Easy ways to train your birddogs
  • How to work with asset managers and REO departments
  • How to get accurate comps
  • Using an income filter: "How much will that property ACTUALLY cash flow?"
You'll also get Nick's Rebab Cheat Sheet!

...and you might win some M&Ms...
Event Details:
6:30 pm
Monday January 11th
163 Amherst St, Nashua, NH 03064
(Second Floor)

For more information and directions, visit

Bring lots of business cards... we hope to see you there!


1 comment:

James Orr said...

Hi Nick...

Would you be interested in doing any Joint Ventures with your real estate investing info products and/or list?

If you would be interested, please do let me know.

